17-10-2023 - 25-10-2023
Muzeum Józefa Czechowicza, Archiwum wydarzeń

All things translation – Agata Ostrowska.

Date: 20 October


A series of meetings with leading Polish women literary translators hosted by Bartosz Wójcik.


A rare opportunity to spend quality time with art practitioners whose words enrich the Polish language and bring us closer to international literature. Each guest is a seasoned literary translator and each will talk about their past achievements, present projects, and future plans.  


Agata Ostrowska (Polish, English, Spanish)

Translated among others “Black Cake” by Charmaine Wilkerson, “Panza de burro” by Andrea Abreu, “Las maravillas” by Elena Medel, and “The Gender Identity Guide for Parents” by Tavi Hawn. 

Each meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Each is conducted in Polish. And each is interpreted live into Polish Sign Language.

Free admission

Organised under the auspices of the Polish Literary Translators Association.

Event on FB


plakat wydarzenia tłumacząc przekład
Fot. Wojciech Rozenek / Instituto Cervantes

Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp