18 June 2024
Muzeum Dworek Wincentego Pola
Chamber concert titled “Images from Life and Nature”
June 22, 2024 (Saturday), at 5:00 PM, Dworek Wincentego Pola (Lublin, 13 Kalinowszczyzna Street) – we invite you to a chamber concert titled “Images from Life and Nature”. The performers will be: Mariola Zagojska – soprano, Patrycjusz Sokołowski – bass, Natalia Kozub – violin, and Alesia Aleksandrowicz – piano. The program will include vocal and instrumental works by Stanisław Moniuszko, Fryderyk Chopin, Henryk Wieniawski, Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jules Massenet, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Tickets priced at 5 PLN are available at the box office before the concert.