The museum offers guiding of the exhibition, thematic museum lessons, lectures and workshop classes. They take place after a prior telephone arrangement of the date of classes and organisational details.
The cost of classes: PLN 40 from the group (the group can count up to 20 people) + reduced entry ticket for each participant for PLN 5.
Class subjects (selection):
• Stefan Żeromski’s life and works – thematic guided tour of the exposition.
• Stefan Żeromski and his family in Nałęczów – thematic guided tour of the Cottage and the garden.
• Strongwoman – literary figure against a non-literary original.
• The Labours of Sisyphus – literary memories of youth.
• The Spring to Come – chances, hopes, reality.
• Mysterious Adam’s chest in his father’s Cottage.
• We are building a glass house – literary and art workshops.
• My homeland. Roads to freedom in the past and today in the context of items from the Żeromski Cottage (literary and museum workshops).