The Painting Speaks | Audioguide ENG


2. Zenon Kononowicz, Camel, watercolor, tissue paper, 1962
3. Bolesław Barbacki, Portrait of Halina Taszycka née Gieysztor, oil on canvas, 1936
4. Hendrik van Heemskerck, Still life with jug and candle, oil on board, 1652
5. Efraim Mandelbaum, Still life with fruit, oil on canvas, 1920s and 1930s
6. Janina Miłosiowa, Still life, oil on canvas, 1935
7. Stefan Dylewski, Still life with candies, oil on cardboard, 1941
8. Stanisław Żukowski, The Flood of the Lake, oil on canvas, 1906
9. Rafał Malczewski, Wind in the Mountains, oil, plywood, 1930
10. Wojciech Fangor, M 21, oil on canvas, 1969
11. Alfred Lenica, Abstract Composition, oil on canvas, 1971
12. Jan Szancenbach, Fruit and the Italian bottle, oil on canvas, 1984
13. Olga Boznańska, Portrait of a Man, oil on cardboard, 1930
14. Julian Bajkiewicz, Virgin Hill, oil on fiberboard, 1982
15. Sławomir Marzec, Untitled, from the series “Around the Icon”, acrylic on canvas, 2007
16. Tomasz Zawadzki, Untitled (Red), acrylic on canvas, 1998
17. Krzysztof Kurzątkowski, Composition, mixed technique: straw, wicker, plywood, wood, paint, canvas, 1966
18. Jerzy Durakiewicz, Hills on the Vistula, oil on canvas, 1978
19. Vittorio Maria Bigari, Balthazar’s Feast, oil on canvas, 1730–1750
20. Adam Wiktor Malinowski, Castle in Ostrog, oil on canvas, 1863
21. Stanisław Koguciuk, Market, oil, fiberboard, 2013
22. Apoloniusz Kędzierski, Autumn landscape, oil on canvas, 1896
24. Teresa Tyszkiewicz, Dead-end roads, oil on canvas, 1980
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