The exhibition “Tamara Łempicka – a woman on the road” is an invitation to the world of the 1920s and 1930s, that is, to an extraordinary era subordinated to the new style of art deco. The works of the artist inseparably connected with her life, presented in the surroundings of everyday objects – furniture, artistic craftsmanship, costumes and machines – are to bring you closer to the extraordinary life of Tamara Łempicka, one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

Towards a better future
Birth of the Avant-Garde
André Lhote
Designer-artist and his masterpiece
“Flat” service with a “Cubist” decoration
The Gallery of Still Life
Still life
Portrait of a Young Girl in a Green Dress
Tamara Łempicka smoking a cigarette
Moïse Kisling
Studio at the attic
The Martel Brothers’ studio
Portrait of Jan and Joël Martel
Tamara Lempicka in her apartment in rue Méchain
The Portait of Tadeusz Łempicki
The furniture of Adrienne Gorska
Gallery of portraits
Kizette on Balcony
First Communion
Mother Superior
The portrait of Gino Puglisi
Beggar with a Mandolin
Young Man with a Book
La Garconne i Femmefatale
Kiki de Montparnasse
Dressing table
La Dolce Vita
Venice in the Rain
“In the sun of the South – the Orient”
Orange Turban
Furniture from Hotel la Mamaounia
Study for “Portrait of Mr Bush”
Escape or Somewhere in Europe
“Fraget” breakfast set
Woman in a Blue Dress
Abstract Composition in Orange
Emigration to the United States
Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp