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unknown (printing house), School shorthand notebook

Height: 28,6 cm, Width: 20,2 cm

The National Museum in Lublin, branch - Museum of Martyrdom "Under the Clock", ul. Uniwersytecka 1, Lublin

Popularizing note

The shorthand notebook belonged to Tadeusz Danielski, a student of the Private School of Construction in Lublin. It has an A-5 format, was produced before the outbreak of war and used as a school notebook probably due to the lack of basic office and school materials during the German occupation. This is evidenced by the incomplete number of pages - twenty-eight, while there should have been thirty-two, and the dating in the margins in the middle. The student adapted the notebook to record shorthand classes for notes/excerpts from school readings. He removed four pages, thus obtaining a necessary notebook. This is evidenced by the dates on the margins, as they already refer to the school year 1941/1942, while 1940/1941 is written on the title page. In Lublin, as in the whole of the Lublin district, classes did not take place in the school year 1940/1941 or were significantly limited due to the occupation of many school buildings for the Wehrmacht. It was only after the German aggression against the USSR in the following years that teaching could continue relatively smoothly.Stenography was an optional subject in vocational schools; it was taught because of the possibility of later practical use by graduates. Tadeusz Danielski's notebook was used to record practical exercises, calligraphy of appropriate signs and abbreviations. The handwriting in pencil confirms the notebook's use as an exercise book.

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