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unknown (author), Necklace

Height: cm, Diameter: 15,5 cm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

The described item is part of a two-element set of artefacts from the village of Radecznica in the Zamość poviat (information about the second monument and more information about the circumstances of the discovery and its interpretation see: 1395/A/ML-1).The necklace was made of a bronze rod and has survived to our times in a great condition. It is covered with a noble green patina, which not only gives it a great colour, but also provides excellent protection against adverse external factors.Due to the accuracy of workmanship and the lack of cracks in the metal, it is assumed that this ornament was cast in a deteriorating form with the lost-wax technique (more about this technique, see: 1396/A/ML-2). The necklace has an open form, the space between its patted ends is only about 2.5 cm. Almost the entire surface has visible traces of twisting, while parts at the ends of the jewellery are decorated with several grooves cut on its outer side.Due to the small distance between the ends, some researchers believe that the necklace was not put directly on the neck, but was worn, hanging on a thong or on other material.The place where the jewellery was made is also uncertain - it could be metallurgical workshops in Silesia, Lesser Poland, and Greater Poland and Kujawy, from where distribution probably took place via the river. It is also possible that the necklace was made by a traveling blacksmith who, having the appropriate technology and materials, moved around various areas and provided services to local settlers.

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