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unknown (author), Spiral

Height: 18,5 cm, Width: 1 cm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

In 1952, an inhabitant of the village of Wakijów (Tomaszów poviat) found a bronze spiral tape at a depth of about 1 meter in a nearby meadow, in the old bend of the Huczwa River. The finder also extracted other bronze objects from the peat - a two-piece ornament composed of an openwork fibula, a triangular hanger with a pendant, and a necklace (see also: 1396 / A / ML-2-4). According to the discoverer, there were bones of a human hand next to the monuments.When these items were handed over to the archaeologist Professor K. Jażdżewski, he immediately set out to the place where they were find in order to extend the search further. Unfortunately, during the inspection, only one finger bone was obtained.Owing to the analysis of the items it was established that the found bronze ornaments can be attributed to the Lusatian culture, which functioned in today's Poland in the early Iron Age, during the Hallstatt period (about 2.5 thousand years ago).The spiral is made of a tubular coiled, very thin (only 0.5 mm thick), uneven tape, when found wrapped around a wooden rod like a wand. However, based on similar finds from the vicinity of the upper Dniester basin, we can most likely conclude that it is an element of jewellery. Based on a significant degree of its damage resulting from long-term use - the entire ornament is worn with very heavy attritions – we can conclude how valuable this item was at that time.Unfortunately, the randomness of finding of this set of bronze objects, including the spiral tape, does not permit their proper interpretation. It cannot be stated with absolute certainty whether it was a hidden treasure and the bones were found accidentally, or whether human remains were linked to the items. However, as the place of finding was on a marshy, swampy area, the most likely hypothesis is that the woman wearing these beautiful ornaments drowned.

Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp