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unknown (author), Fibule

Height: 57 mm, Width: 90 mm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

The artefact is part of a set of bronze ornaments (see also: 1396/A/ML-1,3-4; for more information on the circumstances of the discovery of the set and its interpretation, see 1396/A/ML-1). The openwork fibula is an element of a two-part ornament, additionally consisting of an openwork triangular hanger with a pendant. Both ornaments had to be connected with each other by a link, most likely a circle that did not survive to our times. The second part of the ornament - the triangular hanger with the pendant (see: 1396/A/ML-3) was connected in a similar way.In the past, fibulas (brooches) were used by both women and men to fasten garments, mainly on the shoulders and breasts. In a simplify way, we could say that safety pins perform a similar function today, but fibulas were also decorations.The presented fibula is not complete, only a decorative lenticular shield has been preserved. On the underside, we can see a hook on one side and an eyelet for attaching the pins on the other side.This decoration, apart from chipping three nodules, was made in a decaying form - using the lost-wax casing technique. It involved creating a wax ornament and then covering it with clay. When the whole item was fired, the wax flowed out and molten metal was poured in its place, and then the clay was broken to receive the final product.In subsequent periods, owning to the rapidly changing fashion, the fibulas differed in shape, form of decoration and workmanship. Many typologies have been developed to help archaeologists. One such classification, created by the Swedish researcher Oscar Almgren, consists over 200 types of brooches that changed over a period of approximately 700 years. Owning to this, today it is easier to date the fibulas found at archaeological sites, and in consequence – it is also easier to date the site where they were located.

Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
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Unia Europejska - Logotyp