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unknown (painter), Saint Michael the Archangel

Height: 70,5 cm, Width: 119 cm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

In the Lublin region, next to Catholic churches, Orthodox or Greek Catholic temples were built often in the neighbourhood. In their interiors, in addition to images of Christ, Mary or saints (see: E/5971/ML, E/16621/ML, E/16726/ML, E/16797/ML, E/16801/ML, E/16803/ML, E/16804/ML), there were also images of Michael the Archangel.In the Christian tradition, this was the first and most important of the angels, endowed by God with special trust and the keys to heaven. The Hebrew name Mika'el means "Who is like God". He holds a position of supremacy over all the heavenly forces and is often called the leader of the heavenly hosts - the arch-strategist. He is considered the angel of grace and mercy, and justice and judgment, who is to weigh souls at the Last Judgement. That is why he is sometimes depicted with a scale. The main attribute of the archangel is a fiery sword, and the most common image is that of a warrior in a short tunic and armour, a garment modelled on that of a Roman legionary, sometimes fighting evil depicted by the figure of a dragon. Sometimes, the angel was depicted as a winged, long-haired young man, holding a date branch in his left hand, a spade in his right and a white flag with an embroidered red cross. Scarce representations show him on a winged steed as the Rider of the Apocalypse, holding the sealed Book of Life in one hand and a staff in the other, with which he strikes down evil incarnate. In paintings, his wings are usually white, sometimes peacock-like.The feast of Michael the Archangel was established in the middle of the 5th century, and his cult in Christianity was and is very lively, both in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic religions. The Orthodox Church considers the Archangel to be a defender of the purity of the faith, an advocate of the suffering and a guardian of the sleep-deprived. It is believed that he stands at the head of the dying, when the last battle for their salvation is being fought, and helps them find inner peace. The faithful invoke him in prayer in their struggle against the forces of evil.An icon with Archangel Michael is usually found on one of the diaconate doors of the church iconostasis.

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