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The People's Printing House of J. Popiel (Lublin; 1912-1939) (printing house), Celebration of the Anniversary of the 1863 Uprising

Height: 13,8 cm, Width: 22,4 cm

The National Museum in Lublin, branch - Museum of the History of the City of Lublin (Cracow Gate), Pl. Łokietka 3, Lublin

Popularizing note

In the first years of regaining independence by Poland, great importance was attached to the solemn celebrations of anniversaries of important events in the history of the country. For one of the anniversaries of the January Uprising in the early 1920s, members of Lublin's 3rd Queen Jadwiga Women's Scout Troop and 7th Andrzej Małkowski Men's Scout Troop prepared many attractions. The programme included musical performances and recitations of poems and prose fragments by Kornel Ujejski, Maria Konopnicka and Stefan Żeromski. A speech by Tadeusz Strumiłła, President of the Polish Scouting Association, was also scheduled. The scout choir was to perform with the support of the choir of the Lublin School (later Stefan Batory Gymnasium in Lublin).An occasional card professionally issued by the People's Printing House described the entire repertoire along with the names of the performers. Among them was bridesmaid Joanna Jankowska, at that time a student at the Private Female Gymnasium of Wacława Arciszowa, daughter of Maria and Paweł Jankowski, doctors and independence activists from Lublin. During World War II, when she already bore the surname Szydłowska after her husband, she was arrested for underground activity. She was sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp, which she managed to survive.

Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp