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Pastorino, Giovanni Michele de (1508-1592) (medalist), Bona Sforza

Width: 52,6 mm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

The presented medal has a rather loose connection with Poland. It was created at a special moment, when Queen Bona Sforza, disappointed in her hopes, left Poland. During her journey to Bari she stopped in Ferrara, and there she probably came into contact with Giovanni Michele Pastorino, also known as Pastorino de Pastorini. He was undoubtedly one of the most talented and prolific artists of the Italian Renaissance. He was mainly interested in engraving and medal making, but his best-known works are stained glass windows. Pastorino was born around 1508 in Castelnuovo della Berardenga as a shoemaker’s son. He learned the craft under Guillaume de Marcillat in Arezzo, but later went to Siena, close to his birthplace, where he created his first works. These include stained glass windows in the local cathedral (The Last Supper) and the Basilica of St Francis. Once his fame had been established, he wrought creations in many Italian cities, becoming increasingly involved in engraving, including at the mints in Ferrara, Bologna, Novellara and Florence. He also worked for Pope Paul III as one of the decorators of the so-called Sala Regia, the de facto vestibule of the Sistine Chapel. During his stay in Ferrara, where Pastorino spent the years 1554-1559, he probably had an encounter with Queen Bona, who visited the city in early 1556. Eventually Pastorino became associated with Florence, where at the Medici court he was awarded the title of maestro degli Stucchi, or master of stucco, by Duke Francesco I. The medal dedicated to Bona is one of over two hundred medallic works by Pastorino. It depicts the Queen in her sixty-second year. Her bust in profile occupies the central part of the medal. In the rim, there is an inscription informing that the medal depicts Bona Sforza d'Aragona, Queen of Poland. It is worth remembering that this is one of the last images of the queen, who was poisoned a little over a year and a half later. At the same time, this medal is one of the earlier works by Pastorino, who revealed the fullness of his talent in later years, immortalising, among others, Francis I de' Medici. The artist died on 6 December 1592 and was buried in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Florence.The presented medal is a later copy made by casting.Leszek Poniewozik

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