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Piwarski, Jan Feliks (1794-1859) (graphic artist), Bacciarelli, Marcello (1731-1818) (author of the pattern), Polish cavalier with a mace /Cavalry Captain Pieczowski/

Height: 18,4 cm, Width: 18,4 cm, Diameter: 18 cm

The National Museum in Lublin (Lublin Castle), ul. Zamkowa 9, Lublin

Popularizing note

Stefano della Bella was an outstanding graphic artist documenting genre and military scenes of his time. Active in the first half of the 17th century, first at the Medici court in Florence, then in Rome and later in Paris, he meticulously recreated court scenes, customs, as well as architectural details and finally depicted military splendour. Della Bella used the technique of etching extremely skilfully, allowing the modelling of the composition to be balanced and bringing out the expressive details of the scene presented. In his artistic career, he also documented episodes related to the European escapades of the Polish magnates, among others, he created Wjazd Jerzego Ossolińskiego do Rzymu [The Entry of Jerzy Ossoliński to Rome].Jeździec polski z buzdyganem [The Polish Rider with a Mace] presents the figure of Rotamaster Pieczowski, whose entry into Paris with a group of Polish deputies in 1645 was described by the chronicler: "After him rode Mr Pieczowski, the foot-riding Rotamaster of His Excellency the Bishop of Warmia, in a scarlet satin coat, in an axamite apron with feathers, like the first Rotamaster: on a horse as good and handsome as the first, only that it was green, behind him came 25 infantry in the same uniform, with silver petticoats on the reins, in lily-work, behind them 6 esquires, dressed like the infantry".However, the figure of Pieczowski has been presented allegorically, in portrait profile on horseback, in the tradition of Roman images, with a mace signifying the rank of officer, in rich Eastern-style attire, with a fur-lined coat, against the majestic background of the castle, in the company of mounted cavalry. The figure of the captain conveys dignity and wealth, and the portrait of Della Bella, characterised by subtle drawing and richness of detail, was for the captain a kind of business card confirming his status, splendour and wealth, and above all testifying to his military position. The etching shows the Polish horseman, emphasising his special social rank. Thanks to the position of Della Bella - a prominent artist active in the circle of the Florentine Medici and the Parisian patronage of Cardinal Richelieu - Pieczowski created his ruler image.

Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp