Tamara Lempicka – Beyond Borders | Audioguide ENG


1. Introduction
2. Childhood
3. School in Lausanne
4. Sankt Petersburg
5. Kizette
6. October Revolution
7. Paris
8. Exhibition in Milan
9. Travels to Italy
10. Portrait of Dr Boucard
11. Portraits of Kizette
12. Portrait of Tadeusz Łempicki
13. Portrait of Nana de Herrera
14. Lempicka’s studio
15. First communion painting
16. Departure to the USA
17. GIno Puglisi
18. Raul Kuffner
19. Emigration to the USA
20. Charity work
21. Exhibition at the Levy Gallery
22. New York
23. Travelling in Europe
24. Paintings with a spatula
25. Death of Baron Kuffner
26. Houston
27. Exhibition at the Galerie du Luxembourg
28. Cuernavaca
29. Last wish
30. The legacy of Tamara Lempicka
31. Tamara Lempicka – beyong borders
32. Tamara Łempicka, Woman before Her Mirror
33. Tamara Łempicka, Reared Horses
34. Tamara Łempicka, Querubin
35. Tamara Łempicka, The Kiss
36. Tamara Łempicka, Study based on Jacopo Pontormo’s painting “Venus and Cupid”,
37. Tamara Łempicka, Self-Portrait
38. Tamara Łempicka, Mother and Child
39. Tamara Łempicka, A Little Prince Awakening
40. Tamara Łempicka, Act with a jug I
41. Tamara Łempicka, Woman in a White Turban III
42. Tamara Łempicka, Dutch Girl II
43. Tamara Łempicka, Saint Anthony IV,
44. Tamara Łempicka, Head of John the Baptist
45. Tamara Łempicka, Madonina II
46. Tamara Łempicka, Portrait of a Girl
47. Tamara Łempicka, The Closed Gate
48. Tamara Łempicka, Lemon
49. Tamara Łempicka, Bowl of Fruit
50. Tamara Łempicka, La Belle Raphaelae III
51. Tamara Łempicka, Abstract Composition,
52. Tamara Łempicka, Abstract Composition
53. Tamara Łempicka, Washerwoman
Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp