19-05-2023 - 31-07-2023
AKTUALNOŚCI, Muzeum Ziem Wschodnich Dawnej Rzeczypospolitej

Education Seminar about the Eastern Lands of the Former Commonwealth (27-30.07.2023)

Museum of the Eastern Territories of the Old Polish Republic
branch of the National Museum in Lublin
invites you to participate in
the Education Seminar about the Eastern Lands of the Former Commonwealth
as part of the Borderland Heritage Festival in Lubaczów
27-30 July 2023

The event is addressed to primary and secondary school teachers, as well as educators interested in the cultural heritage of the Eastern lands of the Former Commonwealth. The aim of the event is to popularise educational activities devoted to this subject, as well as to discuss the methods of teaching children and young people at every stage of education. The seminar will also be an opportunity to exchange views and experiences in the field of formal and non-formal education.

The seminar program will consist of workshops combined with a field trip and participation in the Borderland Heritage Festival in Lubaczów. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to speeches of teachers, pedagogues and museum educators who, through various educational activities, spread knowledge about the cultural heritage of Eastern lands among students.

The topics discussed will concern, among others, practical ways of commemorating anniversaries, important historical figures, organisation of school competitions, importance of cultural heritage in building identity and the use of board games as educational materials. The role of 3D digitalisation in the context of the spreading the material cultural artefacts will also be presented. Teachers will take part in the premiere screening of the film “Hruszów – a community across the border”, a screening of the film about the 3D documentation of the Norwegian church produced by the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, as well as a presentation of oral history.

The event will take place on 27-30 July. Participation is free of charge. The organisers provide accommodation for 3 nights, food, entrance tickets to the visited objects and insurance, they do not cover the cost of travel to Lublin. All participants will receive certificates confirming participation in the Seminar. The prerequisite for receiving the certificate is active participation in all points of the programme.

Those interested in attending the Seminar are kindly requested to fill in the application form by 31 May 2023. Places limited. Participation in the Seminar is not determined by the order of applications. Information about the recruitment results will be sent by 16 June 2023.

Application form


Contact: edukacja@mzwdr.pl, tel. 81 537 96 29, mobile 665 011 819


Seminar rules

Logotypy programu EOG

The event is carried out as part of the project “Heritage Accessible. Professionalization of cultural workers and dissemination of cultural heritage – the interdisciplinary partnership of the National Museum in Lublin and the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo”. The project benefits from €483 000 in EEA funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The aim of the project is to build a lasting international partnership and a network of Polish-Norwegian cooperation.
Beneficiary: National Museum in Lublin
Partner of the project: Museum of Cultural History in Oslo



Fundusze Europejskie - Logotyp
Rzeczpospolita Polska - Logotyp
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego - Logotyp
Unia Europejska - Logotyp